It's all about Vibration!
My story
Harmony Inspirations has been my baby for over 20 years and has grown and changed throughout those years as my journey has evolved.
Back in the beginning in the late 90’s it was a party plan business of workshops and products based around teaching Reiki, healing, crystals, aromatherapy, feng shui and colour healing. When my life took a turn in a different direction, I continued but only when time permitted. In that time I wrote poetry, studied lots more including other healing modalities as well as hypnosis, Sound Healing using Tuning forks and Numerology. I have also published a couple of books.
Energy has always been my passion, but family came first, and I needed to work to support them, so my spiritual work was put on the back burner, or so it seemed at the time. It is only now looking back that it actually didn’t because I was exactly where I needed to be. I was continually growing, improving and healing myself.
While I was cleaning or working a night fill job I was in my own meditation, information would flow through to me, and I would write. Channelling and poetry flowed through me continually, and in my quite times I would be at the beach writing. My life was in such wonderful balance that I found the vibration I had within my body and my energy was so high that life became abundant in many ways. I was in the flow and attracted everything I needed into my life effortlessly.
That was until 2021 when I moved to Brisbane, My life changed drastically. I became unhappy and out of balance and life was no longer enjoyable. I was living life completely out of alignment with who I am and my spirituality took a back seat in my life. I lost my flow and stopped writing. My trusted therapist was over an hour away (the beach) and I was no longer taking time for me. In a nutshell my vibration was lowered and I was on a steady decline to disaster. Which came on the 15th October 2023. We had gone out for dinner for my daughters birthday and that night I awoke with what I thought was food poisoning. Long story short, I didn’t have food poisoning but a kidney infection and blockage caused by a stone. I rode it out for a few days and on the 20th I went into hospital, that night I almost died and had an awakening and near death experience that made me turn my whole life around. Now I am moving forward and allowing myself to be guided to where I need to be. I live my passion and take each day as it comes. Except now I am being true to myself and living as they say, practicing what I preach. I am now writing my story and what happened in depth in a book that is called “it’s all about Vibration” which will be available as soon as it is complete.
For as long as I can remember my life has been one of learning, growing and searching for answers to some of life’s mysteries. I have continually been led to where I am now, so here we are. My work is now a combination of everything that I love and all things that allow me to help others understand that it is all about Vibration. Life, that is!.